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Root Node Application

Q Development AG
Rhigass 1
9487 Gamprin-Bendern
Register number: FL-000.2.643.198-4
(Commercial Register of Liechtenstein)

Q Development AG is a private company based in Gamprin-Bendern, Liechtenstein. Its main purpose is to develop the Q blockchain, launch Q and support the Q ecosystem. This is why Q Development AG applies for a membership within Q root node panel: to drive growth, acceptance and adoption of Q Blockchain.
According to Q Constitution Appendix 2, Part A - Mandatory Requirements, Article 1 (i) & (ii), a Root node shall confirm its identity and ownership as well as jurisdiction of incorporation. Please note this page imprint (footer) or above-mentioned details of incorporation.
Our public address in Q testnet is 0x64D4edeFE8bA86d3588B213b0A053e7B910Cad68 .

You can verify the authenticity of our application (proposal) by comparing our public address displayed above with the one used in our proposal.

© 2024 Q Development AG